Conference in Brussels Addresses Domestic Violence in the Workplace

View original article published on Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Worker Institute’s KC Wagner presented research at annual conference of Domestic Violence at Work Network

The Worker Institute’s KC Wagner, Co-Founding member of the Domestic Violence at Work Network, presented on domestic violence as a union and workplace issue at the Network’s annual conference in Brussels this past week.

The meeting’s agenda convened NGO, unions, and universities from all over the world to discuss domestic violence’s impact in the workplace. Wagner and a smaller contingent also met with representatives from the European Union‘s Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equity to provide information and technical support for the Committee’s initiatives to eliminate violence against women.

Domestic Violence at Work Network is an international network of researchers, domestic violence experts, social and labor organizations, and employers, conducting research and mobilizing knowledge about the impacts of domestic violence in the workplace.

Notable organizations in attendance included:

  • Canadian Labour Congress
  • Futures Without Violence
  • ITF Women Transport Workers
  • ILO
  • University of Toronto
  • Sabanci University
  • Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women & Children, Western Education, Western University

Last month, The Worker Institute partnered with Scheinman Institute on Conflict Resolution to produce a webcast on Domestic Violence in the Workplace featuring KC Wagner as a panelist. Click here to watch the webcast and download additional resources.

KC Wagner is Director of Workplace Issues and co-chair of Equity at Work Initiative at The Worker Institute. The Equity at Work initiative examines how the workplace is impacted by the evolving and changing norms of the social construction of gender roles, identity, and expression. This includes discussion of current and evolving workers' rights, the workplace contexts in which they currently exist, and individual, organizational and cultural interventions that promote and expand employment issues of respect, fairness, equity and justice.