
Issue 5

In this Newsletter

  1. Welcome to new members of DV@Work Net
  2. A fond farewell
  3. International Labour Organization Meeting of Experts on Violence against Women and Men in the World of Work
  4. New ILO Working Paper
  5. Violence and Harassment against Women and Men in the World of Work: Trade Union Perspective and Action
  6. Building Equality: Feminist Employability Project in Scotland
  7. New provisions for paid domestic violence leave in Australia
  8. New Zealand Government Debates Paid Leave for Domestic Abuse Victims
  9. Isreali trade union organization signs agreement with Council of Business Organizations to address domestic violence in the workplace
  10. New national survey being conducted in Belgium
  11. Report details Economic Benefits of Paid Domestic Violence Leave
  12. New knowledge generated from the Canadian survey
  13. The Canadian Labour Congress Address Domestic Violence in the Workplace at Individual and Systemic levels
  14. New Report and Questionnaire from the ILO

Issue 4

In this Newsletter

  1. ILO Convention on 'Violence against women and men in the world of work’
  2. Chidi King, ITUC speaks about the proposed ILO Convention
  3. New Guide for Businesses in Turkey
  4. Member Interview: Charles Boyer, Conference Board of Canada
  5. New Surveys are Underway
  6. Domestic violence and disability in the Workplace
  7. New Law Grants Paid Domestic Violence Leave
  8. Feature Partner Blog: ‘Groundbreaking’ forum sets agenda for tackling violence against women in public transport
  9. Welcome to a new member – Male Champions of Change
  10. Member Updates
    1. Entitlement to Paid Domestic Violence Leave in Australia
    2. The United State of Women (United States)
  11. Callout: Share your News

Issue 3

In this Newsletter

  1. Next DV @ WorkNet Meeting
  2. Join the Network's New Facebook Group
  3. Australian Labour Party Supports Union Call for Paid Leave for All Workers
  4. Member Profile: Barbara Byers
  5. Canadian Labour Puts Survey Data to Good Use
  6. Feature Partner Website: Women & Work Research Group, The University of Sydney Business School
  7. Network Members Presenting at Major Global Conference
  8. Workplace Policy to Address Perpetrators of Domestic Violence
  9. New Research is Published in Canada
  10. Celebrating Milestone Anniversaries
  11. Members and DV@Work in the News
  12. Callout: Share your News

Issue 2

In this Newsletter

  1. Canada Releases DV@Work Survey
  2. Turkish DV@Work Survey Makes Waves
  3. Feature Video: Canadian Labour Congress' "Domestic Violence@Work"
  4. An International Convention on Gender-Based Violence at Work?
  5. Member Profile: Melsa Ararat
  6. Member Profile: Nadine Wathen
  7. The first Asian domestic violence and work survey: The Philippines
  8. Feature Partner Website: TERRE DES FEMMES
  9. Connect with us on LinkedIn
  10. Update: How well have Australian businesses and employers implemented domestic violence clauses?
  11. Members and DV@Work in the News
  12. Callout: Share your News

Issue 1

In this Newsletter

  1. Energetic Kick-off for DV@Work Network
  2. Feature video: Make It Our Business
  3. ILO shows leadership with gendered workplace violence standard
  4. Member profile: Ludo McFerran, the trailblazer
  5. Australian Council of Trade Unions breaks ground with anti-domestic violence efforts
  6. Feature Website: Futures Without Violence
  7. Members and DV@Work In the News
  8. Callout: Share Your News
  9. Contact Info