Costing Studies

An Estimation of the Economic Impact of Spousal Violence in Canada, 2009, Department of Justice Canada
This is the first study which provides a comprehensive estimate of the economic impact (costs) of spousal violence in Canada. All incidents of spousal violence that were reported in 2009 are taken into account, and all costs that could be reasonably attributed to these incidents are included, whether the costs were realized in 2009 or at some later date. The total economic impact of spousal violence in Canada in 2009 is estimated at $7.4 billion, including the impact borne by the justice system, the impact borne by primary victims, and the impact borne by third parties and others, amounting to $220 per Canadian.

Illustrated Conceptual Framework: Fighting violence against women is a business issue too!
With knowledge and understanding of the consequences of violence against women (VAW), pioneering and innovative companies, in dialogue with their stakeholders, propose and implement actions that prevent and promote the eradication of VAW, both within the company and in society.This paper presents some of the best business practices in this regard to be used as a guide. They include, among others, the establishment of internal policies, awareness-raising actions, training, campaigns, public messages, support for organizations that combat violence and the setting up of networks.

The Macroeconomic Loss due to Violence Against Women: The Case of Vietnam
Violence against women (VAW) is now acknowledged as a global problem with substantial economic costs. However, the current estimates of costs in the literature provide the aggregate loss of income, but not the macroeconomic loss in terms of output and demand insofar as they fail to consider the structural interlinkages of the economy. Focusing on Vietnam, this study proposes an approach based on the social accounting matrix (SAM) to estimate the macroeconomic loss due to violence. Using Vietnam’s 2011 SAM, the study estimates the income and multiplier loss due to VAW. From a policy point of view, the study argues that the macroeconomic loss due to VAW renders a permanent invisible leakage to the circular flow that can potentially destabilize, weaken, or neutralize the positive gains from government expenditure on welfare programs.

Intimate Partner Violence: Economic Costs and Implications for Growth and Development
Violence against women, recognized globally as a fundamental human rights violation, is widely prevalent across high-, middle- and low–income countries. Violence against women has significant economic costs in terms of expenditures on service provision, lost income for women and their families, decreased productivity, and negative impacts on future human capital formation. The paper makes a major contribution to the discussion of economic implications of intimate partner violence (IPV) through its conceptual mapping of the links between IPV and economic growth based on a review of literature on their complex dynamics.

Impacto de la violencia contra las mujeres en la morosidad financiera de dueñas de microemprendimientos, según atestiguan las/os asesoras/es de finanzas empresariales de una caja municipal en Lima-Perú: 2014
En la Caja Municipal estudiada, se ha detectado que del total de clientas morosas el 25,7% mintieron al gestionar un crédito. Se ha encontrado que 6 de cada 10 asesoras/es observó que su clienta se mostró enferma, deprimida, triste y decaída cuando fue a visitarla y/o efectuar una gestión de cobranza. La conducta de morosidad financiera de las dueñas de microemprendimientos no sólo se debe a factores económico-financieros, sino también a factores como la VcM, ello les afecta directamente, deteriorando su comportamiento de pagos, su calificación en el sistema financiero, incrementa las reprogramaciones, refinanciaciones y/o castigo de sus créditos.

Impacto de la violencia de pareja en la descapitalización y el costo-oportunidad de las mujeres microempresarias de Ecuador
La descapitalización es un factor clave en la sostenibilidad de las microempresas femeninas. Sin embargo, esta descapitalización no es solo un problema financiero, pues pueden existir razones ligadas al género que la condicione. Emprender un negocio requiere tiempo, dedicación y el apoyo de la familia. Una pareja reticente a colaborar y con una actitud negativa a la empresarialidad de la mujer, puede ser un obstáculo muy grande (Avolio, 2008).

Los costos empresariales de la violencia contra las mujeres en el Perú
Una estimación del impacto de la violencia contra la mujer en relaciones de pareja en la productividad laboral de las empresas peruanas

The Invisible Costs of Violence against Women for Ecuadorian Micro-enterprises
To depict these costs and impacts on micro-enterprises run by Ecuadorian women, the Regional Program ComVoMujer of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) commissioned the present study. The study incorporates data from the 2011 National Survey on Gender Violence of the Ecuadorian Institute of Statistics (INEC) as well as the 2009 National Economic Census in Ecuador (CENEC). The data is evaluated in order to provide – for the first time nationwide – statistical information on the prevalence and incidence of violence against female micro-entrepreneurs in Ecuador.

Violence against women and its financial consequences for businesses in Peru
We believe that private businesses can be powerful allies in fighting violence against women. They have the necessary resources and effective means to prevent and combat gender-based violence. Therefore, however, it is crucial to catch their interest for the topic. Yet in order for this commitment to be sustainable, it is not enough to appeal to philanthropy and good will. Instead, it is indispensable to demonstrate that violence does not only affect women themselves but also has an impact on a business’ productivity. Violence has a negative ripple effect on the whole society, and businesses are no exception.

Fighting Violence against Women in Latin America
only a serious public health problem and a human rights concern, it is also a major obstacle to socio-economic development. While firms have generally shied away from this issue, considering it outside their purview, VAW turns out to be extremely costly for them as well. ComVoMujer, a regional program of the International Development Cooperation (GIZ), has established a program to work with Peruvian companies to promote the prevention of violence against women as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility.

Violence against women and its financial consequences for businesses in Bolivia
Bolivia is one of the countries with the highest levels of violence against women in Latin America. Considering all forms of violence against women (VaW), seven out of ten Bolivian women are victims of violence. This makes it highly probable that within enterprises there are both female employees suffering from violence and male employees exercising it, not to mention colleagues witnessing these acts. Even when the VaW is not generated within the company but originates from the context of the employees’ intimate partner relationships, its impact on people’s lives has a negative effect on enterprises.

Women and Equality Unit - The Cost of Domestic Violence
Domestic violence has devastating consequences for both the individual victim and wider society. It drains the resources of public and voluntary services and of employers and causes untold pain and suffering to those who are abused. This report addresses one aspect of domestic violence, the cost, for a range of people and social institutions.

Domestic Violence in the Workplace in Canada: Costs to Employers
An infographic based on statistics gathered from the "Can Work Be Safe When Home Isn't?" Pan-Canadian Survey on Domestic Violence and the Workplace.

Productivity Gains from Workplace Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence
New Zealand, 2014
In this study, economist Suzanne Snively finds that domestic violence will cost New Zealand employers at least $368 million over the next year and that workplace protections can help reduce this cost and increase productivity.