
16 Days of Action Against Domestic Violence is aimed at businesses that lack an infrastructure to deal with the large-scale problem that is domestic violence. As it stands, companies can do more to aid their employees who endure domestic violence, train those who witness it, and to protect staff as a whole, with the goal of securing safety and mitigating financial loss. Click here to access the website.

Australian Human Rights Commission has developed 'Good practice, good business' resources to provide practical information for employers to ensure that Australian workplaces are free from discrimination and harassment. This factsheet also provides background information on why domestic and family violence is a workplace issue.

Domestic violence at the workplace: A bargaining guide This document is for local union officers, bargaining committee members and other activists who want to prevent domestic violence at work and support members who face domestic violence. It covers the definition of domestic violence and how it’s a workplace issue; how the union can negotiate protections regarding domestic violence related to the workplace; examples of collective agreement language; a checklist for workplace policy and collective agreement language. Click here to view the Guide

Futures Without Violence have created a National Resource Centre called Workplaces Respond to Domestic & Sexual Violence that includes a tools to create a workplace policy, a poster demonstrating the workplace commitment to act, information about the benefits of an Employee Assistance Program, a Guide for Advocates, a Guide for Supervisors, an outline for a comprehensive prevention, response program and information on union responses. Click here to see the resources.

Futures Without Violence have also created a Workplace Toolkit that provides free resources to help raise awareness, address employment issues and connect people in your workplace to the assistance they may need. Click here to see the Toolkit.

Implementation of Domestic Violence Clauses - An Employer's Perspective analyses the effects of implementing the DV clauses from an employers perspective. Researchers from the Gendered Violence Research Network (GVRN) at the University of New South Wales conducted an online survey of employer experiences of the implementation of DV clauses where they have been negotiated as part of their enterprise agreement or award or implemented through directives. Click here to view the report.

La violence conjugale dans le milieu de travail : Un guide pour la négociation Ce document s’adresse aux responsables de sections locales, aux membres de comités de négociation et à tous les militants qui veulent prévenir la violence conjugale au travail et venir en aide aux membres qui en sont victimes. Dans ce document vous trouverez : la définition de la violence conjugale et les raisons pour lesquelles il s’agit d’un enjeu dans le milieu de travail, les protections que le syndicat peut négocier en matière de violence conjugale liée au milieu de travail, des exemples de clauses de convention collective, un aide-mémoire pour élaborer des politiques en milieu de travail et des clauses de convention collective. Téléchargez le guide.

Make It Our Business has developed guidelines designed to help workplaces develop effective policies, programs and practices. They were developed in consultation with experts in this field including security experts, experts on the problem of domestic violence, employers, victim-survivors, workers, and union representatives. The guidelines are specifically focused on Ontario workplaces, but much of the information is adaptable for other contexts. Click here to see the Guidelines.

Our Watch is a new community education initiative focused on addressing violence against women & children. Advice is available for employers to better support employees experiencing domestic violence. Click here to view website.

The Gendered Violence & Work program at the University of New South Wales has been at the forefront of establishing the link between domestic, family and sexual violence and work. In addition to research, we have developed comprehensive, in-depth, gender-sensitive and tailored workplace strategies for employers in Australia and internationally who want to address the effects of domestic, family and sexual violence on their employees and organisations. These advisory and training services are designed to ensure that organisational intentions and commitments are translated into the effective development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of domestic, family and sexual violence policies and procedures. Click here for more information.

The Workplace Initiative to Support Employees on Family Violence project is sponsored by the Manitoba government. This toolkit was developed to support the family violence prevention workshops provided to employers through the provincial government’s WISE on Family Violence project. It is adaptable to most workplaces, regardless of size, location and whether or not there is a union. While it specifically targets managers, supervisors and human resource personnel, it also contains material that can be distributed and displayed in the workplace. Click here to see the Toolkit.

Vic Health has been undertaking some great work, in this area and is currently piloting an Australia-first program to prevent violence against women - Generating Equality And Respect (GEAR). The project includes workplace initiatives and some of the earlier elements of the project included resources for business. VicHealth's has also developed a bystander action toolkit specifically designed to help Sporting Associations to become workplace leaders in promoting gender equity and respect for women, however non-sporting organisations may also find much of these materials helpful.

Worksafe BC Handbook: The purpose of this handbook, developed by WorksafeBC is to raise awareness about domestic violence in the workplace. It describes the signs and effects, and provides recommendations and tools to address domestic violence in the workplace. This handbook is not region-specific, so you should review any potential legal obligations to address violence in the workplace that might exist in your jurisdiction. Click here to see the Handbook.